When Will New Croatian Motorway Payment System Arrive?

Lauren Simmonds

croatian motorway payment system

June the 21st, 2024 – A new Croatian motorway payment system is soon set to launch, making things more streamline and efficient as the country’s roads become packed with cars from across the country and abroad.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, N1 recently asked Croatian Motorways (HAC) when we can expect the previously announced changes on the motorways and what will be the biggest change for drivers.

“The process of signing the contract with the selected association of bidders: SkyToll, a.s. Bratislava, Slovakia and TollNet a.s., Prague, Czech Republic is currently underway. After the signing of the contract, the expected deadline for the realisation of the project is two years from the introduction of the contractor into the work”, they revealed from HAC.

The main advantages of the upcoming Croatian motorway system compared to the current one are the following:

A new and unified billing system will be used on all of the involved areas across Croatia.

The new electronic toll payment system will be based on the free flow of vehicles. This is because there will be no need for cars to stop to make any payments, thus increasing throughput and reducing harmful emissions caused by traffic jams and queues.

The use of ENC systems will be mandatory for heavy vehicles, while users of light vehicles will have the option of using an ENC device or a license plate reading system

More than 85% of all tourists in Croatia come into the country by road. That means that the new Croatian motorway payment system will be adapted for users who don’t need to purchase an ENC device. Instead, payment will be calculated and charged by reading the vehicle’s license plates.

It is currently being estimated that the new Croatian motorway payment system will function efficiently (without the need for any major upgrades) for at least the next fifteen years.

Last but by no means least, it will result in the complete digitisation of the entire process.


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