Croatian Preventative Health Checks Beginning Soon

Lauren Simmonds

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croatian preventative health checks

November the 6th, 2024 – After much ado, Croatian preventative health checks are set to begin across the country, aimed at relieving some of the burden of the healthcare system.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as of Monday, November the 11th, health centres, general practitioners, the Croatian Public Health Institute (HZJZ) and county public health institutes will begin conducting preventive health examinations throughout Croatia, as was announced by the Ministry of Health.

The right to a free preventive health check-up will be able to be exercised by all citizens on the basis of mandatory health insurance and without any additional payment. They will be able to carry this out at the doctor of their choice.


The programme for Croatian preventive health checks is based on the results of a pilot project that was carried out across five counties and showed that more than two thirds of those who responded have health problems. These included relatively common issues such as elevated blood pressure, increased levels of cholesterol, higher than normal blood sugar, and being overweight. They also unveiled serious issues such as the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol abuse on human health.

The early detection of diseases opens up the possibility of more successful treatment, the prolongation of life span and a general improvement in quality of life. In addition, raising awareness of the importance of prevention and the power of one’s own influence on our health increases.

“Croatian preventative health checks that will be carried out throughout the country should contribute to a significant improvement in the health condition of the general public. It will prolong people’s life expectancy, improve life quality, and increase the public’s general level of health literacy”, emphasised Minister of Health Vili Beroš.

“The situation we’re in requires taking decisive steps towards the prevention of disease onset and adopting a different attitude towards systematic care for the health of individuals and the entire community. If we look at it in isolation, it’s perhaps the most important issue of public health policy”, said Beroš, adding that this is a question of both the country’s economic future and Croatia’s already questionable demographic sustainability.

Experience shows that at least a third of people are ready to change their lifestyle habits and behaviours that harm their health. Croatian preventative health checks would significantly reduce the number of patients in more serious conditions by as much as 40 percent, the Health Ministry has claimed.

Croatian preventative health checks and adopting a generally more responsible attitude towards one’s own health would significantly reduce the current pressure on the healthcare system. It would also release the potential for the even more effective provision of health care when needed.

In addition to all of the above, every single euro invested in preventive examinations is being returned to the health budget 14 times over, which is an important factor in achieving the sustainability of the healthcare system.

Next Monday, the Health Ministry will additionally present the organisation model and the process of implementation of preventive programmes nationwide.


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