California is a Little More Croatian: 75 New Citizens in 1 Ceremony

Total Croatia News

September 12, 2023 – The Croatian diaspora is spread all over the globe, and the path to citizenship is very bureaucratic. Not in L.A. though – 75 new Croatian citizens in a day. Welcome!

We received the following from Gina Pilić, Council Member of the Republic of Croatia for Croats Abroad- Representative for the USA:

Croatia swore in 75 new citizens on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. All these citizens attended the swearing-in ceremony in Los Angeles at the 72nd annual St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church Festival in Los Angeles.


Some of these new citizens had been waiting for almost three years to receive their approval for citizenship. Those who were sworn in on Saturday were between the ages of 7 and 63 years old. Many of the new Croatian citizens had tears in their eyes as they finally realized their dreams of being recognized as Croats.

The swearing-in ceremony was officiated by Consul General of Los Angeles Renee Pea. The Los Angeles Croatian Consulate accepts applications from more than ten American states. Over one-third of the new citizens traveled more than eight hours to attend the ceremony. According to the information we received, this was the largest swearing-in ceremony of Croatian citizens in the world to date.

Congratulations to all, and Welcome!


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