January the 12th, 2025 – According to exit polls, incumbent president Zoran Milanović (SDP) is expected to win the Croatian presidential election.
As tportal/Milan Dalmacija/Maja Surtna writes, Zagreb’s Tvornica Kulture (Culture Factory) has been being referred to as the “Factory of Victory” for the past two weeks. It seems that was an accurate title as exit polls see incumbent president Zoran Milanović on a clear course to winning the presidential elections.
Milanović was always confident that he was set to win another presidential mandate at Pantovčak. Polls ahead of the second round of the Croatian presidential elections showed that this will likely happen as he steams ahead of his HDZ opponent Dragan Primorac.
Zagreb’s Tvornica Kulture is beginning to fill up with SDP members and supporters of Zoran Milanović. Much like last time, those supporters were greeted by global and local hits by the likes of Majka, The Smiths, The Cranberries and so on.
The arrival of prominent SDP members and coalition partners has now begun, and Zoran Milanović himself is expected just before 21:00. Also like the last time he won the elections, guests will be able to refresh themselves with water, juice, beer or coffee, and this time, puff pastries are also available.
As has been unofficially learned from SDP, the party now has two goals in their headquarters: for Zoran Milanović to win more than 70 percent of the vote and for him to win in all counties, which was very much the case in the first round.