Made in Croatia

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Rujana Bakic on Croatian Digital Citizen 2.0, Empowering Libraries (VIDEO INTERVIEW)

Total Croatia News

February 23, 2020 – As announces a second $400,000 for the Croatian Makers IRIM project, TCN talks to Rujana ...

Croatian Quality Label to Highlight Best in Agriculture and Food Production

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes on the 21st of February, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture also emphasises that a system ...

Google and Institute for Youth Development & Innovation Present Digital Citizen 2.0 Project

Total Croatia News

February 19, 2020 – Croatian Institute for Youth Development & Innovation (IRIM) received the second financial support from Google for ...

Croatian Project Wins Award from Croatian Employers’ Association

Lauren Simmonds

As Lucija Spiljak/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 18th of February, 2020, graduates of the Zagreb High School, Filip Hercig, Matija ...


Trogir, Marked by Masters: Traditional Dalmatian Suits by Gena

Daniela Rogulj

February 18, 2020 – TCN meets the modern masters of Trogir in our latest series. Next up, distinguished Dalmatian-inspired suits ...

GENOS: From Croatian Startup to Laboratory Attracting Foreign Scientists

Lauren Simmonds

As Index/Marko Repecki writes on the 16th of February, 2020, founded back in 2007, Genos was the first academic Croatian ...

Brand New Croatian Drone Expected to Make Debut on Market in 2021

Lauren Simmonds

The Aeronautical Association of Split has linked the knowledge and experience of several generations of students, resulting in the Vector ...


The Croatian Connection Inside the Luxury Oscars $225,000 Gift Bag

Total Croatia News

February 14, 2020 – How to overcome the pain of coming second at the Oscars? A luxury Croatian product is ...

Vrgorac Quality Label to be One of Most Significant Projects in Croatian Agriculture

Daniela Rogulj

February 13, 2020 – The products of Vrgorac will soon receive the unique designation label, “Vrgorac Quality”, the City of ...

New Infobip Campus will be Built as Part of IT Park in Sarajevo, BiH

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Bernard Ivezic writes on the 12th of February, 2020, Croatia’s highly successful Infobip has started the construction of ...