
Deadline for Expression of Interest for Construction of LNG Terminal Extended on Krk

Total Croatia News

More time given for interested parties in the LNG terminal construction on the Croatian island of Krk.

Latest Data Show Croatian Exports Increasing by 10 Percent

Total Croatia News

The latest economic good news from Croatia.

Visitors Centre to Be Built at the Northern Velebit National Park

Total Croatia News

New visitor centre to be built to showcase one of Croatia’s national parks.

Hungary Returns Train, Political Meddling and Croatian Migrant Crisis Plans

Total Croatia News

The lastest on the migrant crisis in Croatia, including the politics… 

Croatia Elections 2015: Overview of the Parties – IDS and HDSSB

Total Croatia News

In the first of a short pre-election series, an introduction to the main parties contesting the parliamentary election in Croatia.

Ivo Karlović Breaks the All-time Aces Record on the ATP Tour

Total Croatia News

He overtakes Goran Ivanišević on the aces throne

“Island to Go”, New Original Souvenir Presented at the Entrepreneur’s Camp in Solin

Total Croatia News

After the great success of last year’s Enterpreneur’s camp winning project (solar mobile phone charging bench), another “Made in Croatia” ...

Ambassador of South Africa Takes a Tour of Split Shipyard, New Contracts in the Making?

Total Croatia News

Marx Johann, Ambassador of South Africa stationed in Budapest, visited the Split Shipyard during his visit to Split on October ...

Minister Lorencin in Split: More than 8 Billion Euros This Year From Tourism

Total Croatia News

Minister presented the results for the first nine months of 2015

Game of Thrones Returns to Dubrovnik This Season After All

Total Croatia News

Cersei and the gang are back!