
The Longest Positive Trend in Retail Sales Since 2007

Total Croatia News

Consumer retail confidence continues in Croatia. 

Croatian Exports are Up

Total Croatia News

More good economic news on exports. 

More Cars on Croatian Motorways

Total Croatia News

More cars mean more toll revenue.

TCN Meets Star Soprano Anna Samuil After Performance in Kamerlengo Castle in Trogir

Total Croatia News

It has been another rich summer of quality music on the Adriatic coast. TCN’s Danni Matijaca caught up with the ...

Seaplane History in Downtown Split: First Commercial Flight Since 1936

Total Croatia News

An important day in the Croatian aviation revolution, as downtown Split sees the first commercial seaplane Split in 79 years, ...

Tomislav Salopek: Egyptian Authorities Trying to Locate Croatian Hostage

Total Croatia News

The search for Tomislav Salopek continues. 

New Rules for Cigarettes Users and Producers in Croatia

Total Croatia News

Some changes in the cigarette industry in Croatia.

Ex-Minister Holy: Oil Companies Giving up on Adriatic Drilling Because They Do Not Believe Croatian Government

Total Croatia News

Why have Marathon Oil and OMV pulled out of the Adriatic Drilling project, despite being granted 7 of the 10 ...

Dubrovnik Becomes 3rd Airport to Handle Million Passengers, 4th Busiest in Ex-Yu

Total Croatia News

(Photo credit ExYuAviation) Another Croatian airport welcomes its millionth passenger for the year earlier than in 2014.

Heat Wave to End Next Week

Total Croatia News

Things will start to cool down soon…