Female MPs Urge Courts to Prioritise Cases of Violence Against Women and Children

Total Croatia News

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Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL
Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Dalija Orešković of the Centre party warned of the slowness and inefficiency of the judiciary in protecting children’s rights, saying that a country is governed by the rule of law in so far as it provides legal protection to those who need it.

“We have received a large number of complaints about the work of the judiciary in cases of domestic violence, which are often not adequately recognized in divorce and other situations,” Orešković said. She warned that the judiciary was too slow in such situations where “every day can be fatal or critical for someone.”

Orešković called on all judicial workers not to wait for any major judicial reform but to show greater sensibility for such cases and give them a priority.

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