MOST MP: Calling Us Killers, Death Exploiters is Uncivilised Behaviour

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MP Marija Selak Raspudić said that the Act on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, passed by the parliament today, legalised unlawful duress as the previously adopted decision on COVID-19 certificates did not have any legal grounds.

Accusations against MOST uncivilised

Commenting on some opposition lawmakers accusing Bridge of being responsible for the current situation and calling its MPs extremists, Selak Raspudić said that her party fought against the dictate of the national COVID-19 response team legitimately, through state institutions, resorting to referendum.

All we did is organise the signing of a referendum petition, she said, adding that all of the Opposition agreed with the referendum questions, calling for decisions related to COVID-19 restrictions to be made by a two-thirds majority vote in the parliament.

However, when support for the referendum had to be expressed, there was no political courage and responsibility but exclusively political calculation, which is a very bad message to citizens, she said, adding that they had to react to being called killers and exploiters of death.

“It was all started by HDZ, which, fearing the referendum, used dead people as an instrument in the political fight… accusing us of being responsible for (COVID) deaths. That rhetoric has now been used by a part of the opposition,” she said.

Explaining an incident that happened earlier in the day, involving MOST MP Nino Raspudić and SDP MP Peđa Grbin, she said that Raspudić approached Grbin to tell him that he should be ashamed of calling MOST MPs exploiters while he himself did not speak against COVID certificates at the time when testing was not mandatory for all people entering hospitals, which caused the virus to enter the health system.

That is all Raspudić told Grbin but that situation is now being shamelessly used to accuse us of violence, Selak Raspudić said, adding that the only way to deal with the current crisis is a referendum.

MOST MP Nikola Grmoja said that so far they had collected around 300,000 signatures for a referendum against the COVID-19 certificate mandate.


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