New SDP President Bernardić Presents His First Moves

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In an interview given on Sunday, the newly-elected leader of the main opposition party discusses his plans.

The newly-elected SDP president Davor Bernardić gave an interview on Sunday and spoke about his first moves, explained what he meant by announcing a change in direction for the party, and explained whether SDP would have its own candidate for Mayor of Zagreb, reports Nacional on November 27, 2016.

“I am pleased and happy because SDP has won. It is an exceptional honour to be the third president in the history of SDP. I would like to thank my predecessor Zoran Milanović for everything good he did during his term as party president, but also as prime minister in the SDP-led government”, said Bernardić.

“Starting from tomorrow, we will build a good society. Our goal is a better and more just society for everybody living in Croatia. Croatia is a middle-income country, but there is no reason why we could not use all the beauties, potential and resources which Croatia has to enable everybody in Croatia to live with dignity. And that means publicly accessible healthcare system, accessible and high-quality education system, and an increase in living standards”, said Bernardić.

“On Monday, I will meet with presidents of party county branches to start preparations for local elections in May. The party conference will take place on 3 December, and there we will elect new members of party bodies. I am counting on all those who are willing to contribute to a stronger and better SDP. There is room within the party for absolutely everybody. We are not a party that would take pictures of former presidents off the walls after their term ends. We are a different party and we have demonstrated that we are the most democratic party in Croatia. We have introduced new standards in the Croatian society”, continued Bernardić.

“My first goal will be to restore confidence among party members. We need to build a stronger organization on the ground. It is certain that we will open a dialogue with the wider society, including civil society organizations, which has always been a guarantee for openness and democracy in the overall society. SDP will turn towards dialogue and policy-making together with other stakeholders. Increase in the minimum wage is definitely one of those steps. SDP will fight for all people, for those who live in towns, but also for those who live in villages which were devastated during the war and post-war period, especially in Slavonia, Lika, Kordun, Banija, and Dalmatian hinterland. We need a good society in which all people will live with dignity”, said Bernardić.

“SDP will have its candidate for Mayor of Zagreb. The candidate will be selected in time. I am ready for that position, but we will discuss the issue within the party in the period ahead. Local elections are very important to us. I do not want to comment on speculation about who the candidate could be. The decision will be announced very soon”, concluded Bernardić.


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