
SDP’s Member in HDZ’s Government

Total Croatia News

Are MOST’s tripartite government dreams becoming reality?

Radovan Karađžić Guilty, Sentenced to 40 Years: Reaction from Croatia

Total Croatia News

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić was found guilty of genocide by the UN court in Hague on March 24, ...

Defence Officials Talk about the MiG Refurbishment Scandal

Total Croatia News

Defence Minister and Chief of General Staff discuss the major Croatian Air Force scandal.

Croatian Prime Minister Orešković to Meet with Pope Francis

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The Prime Minister is travelling to the Vatican.

President Comments on Latest Security Events

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President Grabar-Kitarović reveals that the Prime Minister has proposed a person to be the director of the Security Intelligence Agency.

Split City Council Votes in Favour of Buying an Overpriced Company

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One wonders whether anything will be left in the city after Baldasar’s reign

Why Was Helicopter Medical Service Project Discontinued?

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Former project manager talks about the results of this programme.

Candidates for SDP President at Odds Over Debate

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Will Milanović and Komadina debate on TV or in front of party members?

Former Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović Reacts to Air Force Scandal

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“I support the investigation”, says Croatia’s former Defence Minister.

Croatian Members of European Parliament React to Terrorist Attacks

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MEPs express their condolences and defiance.