

Parliamentary Groups: Croatia Stands Firm With Ukraine

Total Croatia News

Hardly anyone could have expected war on the European continent in the 21st century, which could have inconceivable consequences on ...

Nikola Cutuk/PIXSELL

Croatian Parliament Adopts Agriculture Strategy 2030

Total Croatia News

This target is based on average annual growth of between 4.0% and 4.5%, Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković said during a ...

Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Croatian Parliament Adopts Declaration on Ukraine

Total Croatia News

The abstaining MP was Katarina Peović of the opposition Workers’ Front. The vote was watched from the gallery by Ukrainian ...

Image: Hrvatski Caritas

Caritas Croatia Collecting Relief For Ukraine

Total Croatia News

National members of Caritas Europa are in daily contact with Caritas Ukraine, following the situation and developing relief plans. Today Caritas Croatia ...

Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Croatian Parliament Issues Declaration Condemning Aggression Against Ukraine

Total Croatia News

The declaration states that the Croatian parliament calls on Russia to immediately stop the military attack and withdraw its troops ...

Photo: Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Croatia’s Energy Supply Not In Question, Economy Minister Says

Total Croatia News

Speaking to the press after a cabinet session, Ćorić said the supply with gas and oil “has not been brought ...

Photo: Damir Spehar/PIXSELL

Croatia Plans To Send Up To 10 Soldiers To NATO’s Rapid Response Force

Total Croatia News

The draft decision has been forwarded to President Zoran Milanović, the supreme commander of the armed forces, for adoption, the press ...

Photo: Zeljko Hladika/PIXSELL

Protective Masks No Longer Mandatory In Classrooms

Total Croatia News

“As we announced, as of next week masks will no longer be required during classes,” Minister Fuchs told reporters after ...

Image: Pixabay

In 20 Years Utility Bills in Croatia 85% Dearer, Daily Says

Total Croatia News

In January, inflation accelerated by 5.6% in the European Union and by 5.1% in the euro area. In Croatia, inflation ...

Photo: Davorin Visnjic/PIXSELL

Young People Should Be Taught About EU Before University – Panel

Total Croatia News

The panel, entitled “The EU and Youth – Communication Noise”, was devoted to communication between the EU institutions and citizens, ...