
Weaker Kuna During Croatian Eurozone Accession Could Pose Issues

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Ana Blaskovic writes, with Croatian Eurozone accession rapidly approaching, set to occur at the very beginning of 2023, one ...

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HDZ MEP Says Milanović’s Statements Cause Great Harm to Croatia

Total Croatia News

Asked by reporters if Croatian troops would be deployed on the EU’s eastern borders, Sokol said that that was a ...

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MEP: Milanović’s Statement for Internal Face-off, But Damage is in Foreign Affairs

Total Croatia News

The Croatian MEP said in an interview with Hina before his departure for Ukraine at the helm of the European Parliament’s delegation, ...

Photo: Dalibor Urukalovic/PIXSELL

Milanović Accuses Plenković Government as Most Corrupt Yet

Total Croatia News

“Plenković is protecting the people who are simply corrupt. I cannot call it any other way,” Milanović said in an ...

Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich

Opposition Says There Won’t Be Reconstruction as Long as Horvat is Minister

Total Croatia News

GLAS party leader Anka Mrak Taritaš said all citizens were aware that Horvat could not do the job of reconstruction. “PM Andrej ...

Croatia Near Top in EU Security-Wise, Interior Minister Says

Total Croatia News

That would not have been possible had we not embarked on a comprehensive procurement of everything the police need,” he ...

Photo: Robert Anic/PIXSELL

Security Issues Shouldn’t Be Discussed Publicly, Says Minister

Total Croatia News

“The basic principle is that security issues should not be discussed publicly. As far as our services are concerned and ...

Photo: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

Serbian Ombudsman Requests Withdrawal of Textbook Negating Croatian Language

Total Croatia News

The media quoted leaders of the ethnic Croat community as describing the recommendation as encouraging. A definition on the division of ...


EC Vice-president Says One Should Prepare for Future Crises, Together with Youth

Total Croatia News

Speaking at the opening of the Conference on the Future of Public Health in Croatia and Europe, Šuica said that ...

Photo: Marin Tironi/PIXSELL

Food Expensive Also Due to High Trade Margins

Total Croatia News

At the EU level, the price of food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco was only 3.2% higher in December and inflation was 5%, ...