
Photo: Mario Romulić

Serbia Keeps Insisting on Dual Heritage of Dubrovnik Literature

Total Croatia News

Serbia recently passed a law on cultural heritage which lays claim to the literature created in the 1358 -1808 Republic of Dubrovnik. ...


Croatia Among EU Countries with Biggest Fall in Public Debt to GDP Ratio

Total Croatia News

Economic activity in the EU and the euro area picked up strongly last summer thanks to intensive vaccination rollout programs ...

Europe Has to Assume Greater Responsibility for Its Security, Croatian FM Says

Total Croatia News

“Because of all that as well as the fact that we no longer live in stable post-Cold War times, the ...


Croatian Island Product Designation Example of Promoting Economy, PM Says

Total Croatia News

The Croatian Island Product designation is awarded by the Regional Development and EU Funds Ministry. For 2020, it was given ...


Culture Ministry Approves HRK 410,000 to Support Book Stores

Total Croatia News

Ten book stores applied for funding for literary programs and the ministry has decided to co-finance nine beneficiaries. The highest ...

Central State Office for Reconstruction Plans 60 Houses in Two Tenders

Total Croatia News

The office notes that it has received 490 decisions from the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction, and State Assets and ...

Photo: Marko Mrkonjić

Gov’t Transfers Ownership of Former Ironworks and Tools Factory Area to Osijek County

Total Croatia News

At the document-signing ceremony, it was emphasized that the local authorities are planning to conduct a brownfield investment to revitalize the ...

Photo: Dino Stanin/PIXSELL

Plenković and Gotovina Pay Tribute to Defenders Killed in Operation Maslenica

Total Croatia News

“This is an opportunity to remember all Croatian defenders, soldiers, and police, who gave their lives for the freedom of ...

Bridge and Social Democrats Criticise Gov’t for Poor Handling of Galloping Inflation

Total Croatia News

“Everyone is protecting their citizens except the Croatian government, which says it might do something (about the inflation),” Social Democrat ...

Photo: Ivo Cagalj

Split County Emergency Medical Service Gets Ten New Vehicles

Total Croatia News

During the handover ceremony, County Prefect Blaženko Boban said that the one emergency medical vehicle and nine ambulances were fully financed by ...