
Western Balkans Important to Macron in Security Context

Total Croatia News

We must not distance ourselves from the Western Balkans anymore. They should get from us a clear perspective of EU accession within ...


Minister Says 2022 to be Best Year in Last 30 Years in Terms of Labour Market

Total Croatia News

Aladrović made the statement while answering a question by HDZ MP Ankica Zmajić on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic ...

HRT Screenshot

PM Says Croatia to Respond “Clearly and Resolutely” if Russia Attacks Ukraine

Total Croatia News

Russia has caused concern in Kyiv and the West by amassing troops and equipment near the border with Ukraine and ...


PM Comments on HNB Insider Trading during Question Time in Parliament

Total Croatia News

“This thing at the HNB has nothing to do with the HDZ,” Plenković said in response to a question from ...


Plenković: Government Might Limit Fuel Prices Again

Total Croatia News

“If we estimate that prices will increase next week, we will again limit the prices of all fuels, except for ...


Plenković Asks MP if He’s Alluding to Corruption between Him, Macron

Total Croatia News

The MP asked during Question Time how much the 12 French aircraft cost. “Since you are the president of a ...


PM Announces Set of Measures to Buffer Price Hikes

Total Croatia News

If prices continue to rise, besides capping fuel prices, we will raise allowances for socially vulnerable households, and as for electricity ...

Croatian Youth Leaving Country Because They Can’t Leave Parental Home?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes, in the media presentation of the results of last year’s damning census, the increase in housing ...

Plenkovic Talks Croatian Eurozone Entry: Cash At Home? Bank It!

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Plenkovic also reminded people of Croatia’s entry into the EU back in July 2013 and the ...

Former Ambassador Azimov Says Croatia Bridge Between Russia and EU

Total Croatia News

Relations between Russia and Croatia prove that any country’s membership of NATO and the EU is not an obstacle to ...