
Photo: Srecko Niketic/PIXSELL

Croatian Police En Route to Belgrade to Help in Search for Missing Youth, PM Says

Total Croatia News

“I asked the interior minister to send a team of Croatian police representatives to Belgrade. They are en route today,” ...

Photo: Borislav Zdrinja/ZIPA PHOTO/ATAImages

Foreign Ministry Sends Protest Note to BiH Over Memorial Plaque in Banja Luka

Total Croatia News

When Croatian forces liberated the JNA barracks in Bjelovar on 29 September 1991, most JNA soldiers there surrendered, while Tepić refused. ...

Photo: Igor Soban/PIXSELL

Gas Market Facing Collapse?

Total Croatia News

This conclusion is based on a dramatic notification sent in mid-December to the HERA energy market regulator and the Ministry of ...


Croatian Nationals in Kazakhstan are Safe, Foreign Ministry Says

Total Croatia News

“The Croatian Embassy in Nur-Sultan are in constant contact with Croatian nationals. None of the Croatian nationals is in danger and ...

Bjelovar Mayor: As Long as Politicians Live on Myths, Bosnia will Remain in Past

Total Croatia News

Major Tepić blew up himself and the JNA barracks outside Bjelovar in 1991, and the town was not razed to ...

Croatia’s County Head Accuses Bosnian Serb Capital of Glorifying War Criminal

Total Croatia News

Marušić said in a statement on Sunday that the monument honouring Major Tepić was “a slap in the face and ...

€7 Billion Paid to Croatia From European Structural and Investment Funds

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the country contracted over 13 billion euros in order to finance various projects by the end ...


Post-quake Reconstruction of Government Building Paused, Jutarnji List Says

Total Croatia News

This will slow down the HRK 155-million-worth seismic retrofitting and reconstruction project co-financed by the EU Solidarity Fund. The EU money must ...

Croatia Dismisses Serbian Interior Ministry’s Reaction as Inappropriate

Total Croatia News

The Serbian Ministry of the Interior said on Thursday it was not surprised that “Plenković has no respect for the work ...

Photo: Igor Soban/PIXSELL

Mandatory Masks in Croatian Schools from 5th Grade Onwards

Total Croatia News

“You can see that, as the Government has insisted that school classes in Croatia be given in person, we have ...