
Photo: Davorin Visnjic/PIXSELL

Defence Minister Congratulates Croatian Military Academy on Its 30th Anniversary

Total Croatia News

“Generations after the Homeland War, experience and knowledge have been passed on in order to raise ambitious goals to a ...

Photo: Robert Anic/PIXSELL

Milanović: Citizens and People Respect and Love Croatian Army

Total Croatia News

“I’ve arrived from an institution that has marked its 30th anniversary this morning — the Croatian National Bank (HNB). That ...

Photo: Sandra Simunovic/PIXSELL

Thirty Years of Croatian National Bank Observed

Total Croatia News

On 25 June 1991, parliament adopted a constitutional decision on Croatia’s sovereignty and independence and the following 8 October, a ...

Photo: Dalibor Urukalovic/PIXSELL

Milanović: Plenković Made Mistake for Not Blocking EU Council Conclusions

Total Croatia News

“Plenković didn’t make a mistake by going to Sarajevo but he did make a mistake when he did not, consciously ...

Photo: Sasa Miljevic/PIXSELL

Milanović Says Will Come to Bosnia Again

Total Croatia News

Milanović yesterday canceled a visit to Travnik and Nova Bila and today would not elaborate on the security risks. He said ...

Constitutional Court to Discuss COVID Certificates on Tuesday

Total Croatia News

The topic of COVID certificates in the whole public sector will not be on the agenda, as the government has ...

Photo: Dusko Jaramaz/PIXSELL

Croatia’s Interior Ministry Procures Earthquake Simulator

Total Croatia News

The purpose of that container, worth HRK 3.3 million (€440,000) without Value Added Tax, is to enable participants in exercises ...

Photo: Davorin Visnjic/PIXSELL

Grmoja: Bridge Has Collected Enough Signatures for its Anti-COVID Referendum Petition

Total Croatia News

This opposition party started collecting signatures on 4  December at over 1,200 venues across Croatia, and the two-week deadline for the ...

Copyright Marc Rowlands

Croatia Must Utilise EU Funds Amounting to 320 Million Euros by Mid-2023

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Suzana Varosanec writes, Minister of Physical Planning, Construction and State Property, Darko Horvat, said that Croatia is absolutely ...

Ivo Cagalj/PIXSELL

Goran Dodig Re-elected HDS Leader

Total Croatia News

Branko Hrg was elected Dodig’s deputy while Davor Vukmirić was elected HDS vice-president. Dodig, was was the sole candidate for ...