

Survey Shows Politicians, Advertisers Pressure Journalists

Total Croatia News

Although those in power often claim there is no censorship in Croatia’s media sphere, more than two in three journalists answered ...


BiH Official: No Information on Security Threats to Croatian President

Total Croatia News

The head of the BiH Directorate for the Coordination of Police Agencies, Mirsad Vilić, told the Bosnia and Herzegovina BHRT ...

Goran Stanzl/PIXSELL

Croatian President’s Visit to BiH Cancelled for Security Reasons

Total Croatia News

President Milanović was to have travelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina to attend an event marking the 28th anniversary of the humanitarian ...


PM Says Croatia Will Not Erect Fence on Border With BiH After Schengen Area Entry

Total Croatia News

Commenting on his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina earlier this week, Plenković said that Croatia supports BiH’s sovereignty and integrity as ...


Croatia Becomes Member of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Total Croatia News

The AIIB is an international development bank headquartered in Beijing, established in 2015 to support sustainable economic development, create wealth ...

Photo: Dino Stanin/PIXSELL

Zadar County Succesfully Cleared of Mines Left from Homeland War

Total Croatia News

Zadar County head Božidar Longin was presented on that occasion with a certificate showing that the county is no longer ...

Photo: Goran Stanzl/PIXSELL

European Council Points to Importance of Vaccination, Including Booster

Total Croatia News

The vaccination of all and receiving a booster shot is crucial and urgently necessary, according to European Council conclusions on ...

Photo: Marin Tironi/PIXSELL

Plenković Comments on Council Conclusions on Bosnia

Total Croatia News

“Whenever the Dayton agreement is mentioned, that implies the constituent peoples. Any reference to Constitutional Court judgments implies the judgment in ...

Photo: Grgo Jelavic/PIXSELL

City Becomes Majority Owner of Dubrovnik Port Company

Total Croatia News

The city previously acquired a 48.75% stake in the company and has become the majority owner after the city-owned company ...

Photo: Are You Syrious?/Facebook

Over HRK 60,000 Raised for AYS Volunteer to Help Him Pay Fine

Total Croatia News

Umičević, a volunteer with Are You Syrious, helped the Afghan family to illegally enter Croatia and apply for asylum in ...