

Marić: Croatia’s Eurozone Entry to Benefit Economy and Households

Total Croatia News

That’s why Croatia should do all that is necessary to reduce and minimise any negative risks, such as inflation, and ...


NGOs Warn of Low Level of Social and Economic Entitlements in Croatia

Total Croatia News

“Healthcare, social welfare, housing and education have to be accessible to everyone. Public services need reliable support which inevitably includes ...


Gov’t Establishes Human Rights Council

Total Croatia News

Human Rights Day commemorates 10 December 1948 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the foundation ...


Sabor Supports Scheme of Incentives for Adult Education

Total Croatia News

The 2030 target is to reach the EU average of 10.8% adult population covered by education, while Croatia’s average is ...


Croatia Set to Adopt Law on Euro in April 2022

Total Croatia News

In addition to that bill, it will be necessary to amend 46 laws and 70 by-laws prior to the euro ...

Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich

Lawmakers Engaged in Heated Debate Over COVID Certificates

Total Croatia News

COVID certificates are unconstitutional and unlawful and they are not an effective measure and it has been proved that only ...

Photo: Jesco Denzel/Bundesregierung

Croatian PM Congratulates New German Chancellor

Total Croatia News

“My most heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and best wishes for a ...

Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

Croatian Registry of Political Parties Now Has 172 Entries

Total Croatia News

At the end of 2020, there were 168 political parties formally registered. From 31 April to 30 November 2021, nine ...

Much Talked About Croatian Sunday Work Ban Still Not Happening, Yet…

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the draft proposal for the new Trade Act, which stipulated that shops would be able to ...


EC Approves Croatia State Aid Scheme for Renewable Energy Sources

Total Croatia News

The €783 million programme will allow Croatia to provide state aid for renewable electricity generation with the help of numerous technologies. The ...