
Tomislav Miletic/PIXSELL

Viktor Gotovac Elected New Leader of SDP’s Zagreb Branch

Total Croatia News

Of the 1,700 members of the party’s Zagreb branch entitled to vote, 1,031 cast their ballot. Speaking after the announcement ...


MOST Party Starts Gathering Signatures for Referendum Against COVID Passes

Total Croatia News

“We have started gathering signatures for this crucial referendum to strip the national COVID-19 team of its powers, restore democracy ...

Pixsell/Robert Anic

Croatia One of Russia’s main EU Partners, Says Patrushev

Total Croatia News

Speaking after the tenth session of the intergovernmental Croatian-Russian commission for economic, scientific and technical cooperation, Patrushev said he was glad ...


Associations for the Disabled Call for Law on Social Housing

Total Croatia News

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, several associations, supported by the disability ombudsman, forwarded an appeal ...

Pixsell//Dusko Jaramaz

MPs to Fast-Track Fines for Flouting COVID Certificate Mandate

Total Croatia News

Parliament will fast-track the amendments to the law protecting the population from infectious diseases, despite objections from the opposition Green-Left Bloc, ...


Smart Villages Concept Presented in Vukovar

Total Croatia News

“Investing in health and education infrastructure, developing business, good management, strengthening human resources and building additional capacities in communities are required ...

Armin Durgut//Pixsell

Council of Europe’s CPT Accuses Croatia of Severe Ill-Treatment of Migrants

Total Croatia News

The CPT  published a report on its ad hoc visit to Croatia from 10 to 14 August 2020, in particular ...


Croatian PM Arrives in Montenegro for CEI Summit

Total Croatia News

The CEI was launched in Budapest in 1989, following the fall of the Berlin Wall, with the aim of assisting ...

Photo: Dubravka Petric/PIXSELL

Gov’t Continues to Strongly Support Slavonia, Says PM

Total Croatia News

He said that five years ago the government concluded that it was necessary to immediately do the utmost for the ...

Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Holiday of Hanukkah Marked in Croatian Parliament

Total Croatia News

The event, organized by the Croatia-Israel interparliamentary friendship group, was attended by Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, Israeli Ambassador Ilan Mor, ...