
Romulić & Stojčić

Mayor Says PM Blocking Split’s Development, Ministry Refutes It

Total Croatia News

Speaking of the granting of a concession for the city’s Žnjan beach, Puljak told N1 television that Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Oleg ...


Zmajlović, Ostojić and Goldstein President’s Ambassadorial Nominees – Večernji List

Total Croatia News

Those were nominations that came from the office of President Zoran Milanović, who co-creates foreign policy with the government, but they ...

Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich

Euro Introduction Referendum: 157 Thousand Signatures Collected in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Marko Milanović Litre, Member of Parliament of the Croatian Sovereignists and a representative of the Organizing Committee of the euro ...


Minimum Wage to Be Contracted in Gross Amount as of Next Year

Total Croatia News

As of next year, the gross minimum wage will be HRK 4,687. Now it amounts to HRK 4,250. The government decided ...


Parliament Amends Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Law

Total Croatia News

The amendments were passed by 76 votes in favour, 7 against and 35 abstentions. As a result, citizens will no longer ...


Family Doctors Will Contact Persons over 65 about Getting Vaccinated

Total Croatia News

The most vulnerable persons, those over 65, are the priority in protection from COVID, he said at a press conference ...


Opposition Amendments to Minimum Wage Bill Rejected

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The bill makes it possible for employers to cheat workers, enabling them to sign employment contracts setting the wage below the minimum wage ...


Sabor Adopts Prime Minister’s Annual Report

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As of 1 January the minimum wage will increase by a net amount of HRK 350 from HRK 3,400 to ...


Fuchs: Schools Won’t Function Normally Until Sufficient Number of People Vaccinated

Total Croatia News

“There will always be someone in self-isolation unless a sufficient number of citizens get vaccinated,” Fuchs said during a visit ...

Photo: Damir Spehar/PIXSELL

Milanović: Children Should Get Vaccinated Too

Total Croatia News

Speaking to the press in Delnice, the president said he sympathized and understood, but added that the situation was much ...