
Photo: Joshua Woroniecki/Pixabay

Petrov: More People Have Emigrated Since Joining EU Than in 45 Years of Communism

Total Croatia News

People are not leaving just because of wages but because they feel the injustice, and research indicates that the more ...


HNB Governor Says in 2022 Exact Date for Switching to Euro Will Be Defined

Total Croatia News

Addressing a conference on what switching to the euro would mean for SMEs, which was organized by the 24 Sata ...

Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich

MPs Talk Online Classes, Euro Referendum, Serb Rights in Vukovar

Total Croatia News

“We still don’t know on what basis the measures are being adopted. Is it based on the number of new ...

Photo: Slavko Midzor/PIXSELL

MP Calls for Resignation of National COVID-19 Crisis Management Team

Total Croatia News

Due to the high COVID-19 mortality rate and extreme irresponsibility, we call for the resignation of the national COVID-19 crisis management ...

Photo: Filip Filipović/Pixabay

PM Says Minimum Wage to Increase by HRK 350 as of January

Total Croatia News

The government would pass the decision on Thursday, the prime minister said, submitting to the parliament the annual report on ...

Photo: Davorin Visnjic

Faculty of Law Opposes Governments’ Plan to Reform Social Welfare System (Večernji List)

Total Croatia News

One of the key reforms announced by the Minister of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, Josip Aladrović, in ...

Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL

MPs to Debate 2021 Budget Revision Next Week, Says Finance Minister

Total Croatia News

The idea is to debate and vote on the revised budget as soon as possible so that all reallocations and ...

Photo: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

Zagreb Months Late in Paying Schools’ Bills, Says Daily

Total Croatia News

Due to the budget deficit encountered upon coming to power, the new city administration is evidently at quite a tight ...

Photo: Dejan Rakita/PIXSELL

Milanović Meets with Dodik

Total Croatia News

The meeting with the Serb member of the tripartite BiH Presidency was part of Milanović’s activities that are aimed at ...

Finance Minister Maric: Croatia to Reach Pre-Recession Levels in 2 Years

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Finance Minister Maric stated that the rebalance and domestic economic growth is higher than expected, that ...