
Vukovar Council: Conditions Not Met for Enhancement of Ethnic Serb Rights

Total Croatia News

The Council adopted a conclusion which reads that the degree of mutual understanding, solidarity, tolerance and dialogue among residents of Vukovar — ...

MP Puljak: Split Did Not Take Loan from OTP Bank but Agreed Overdraft

Total Croatia News

Split city councillor Davor Matijević of the Social Democratic Party said last Friday that Mayor Ivica Puljak had signed a ...

Plenković: Bosnia Can Function Better Only if All Its Peoples are Satisfied

Total Croatia News

“Our position towards Bosnia and Herzegovina is clear and friendly,” Plenković told reporters after a meeting of the ruling coalition. ...

Entrepreneurs’ Association Claims Health Reform Disastrous for Economy and Citizens

Total Croatia News

UGP is particularly critical towards the sections of the proposals that appeared in media reports on Monday according to which sick ...

Photo: Slavko Midzor/PIXSELL

Croatia, India Wish to Intensify Bilateral Relations

Total Croatia News

They met in Zagreb to discuss the development of the relations between the two countries, notably through the 2019-22 cultural exchange ...

Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

Croatian Embassy Sharply Condemns Attacks on Croat Symbols in Bosnia

Total Croatia News

After a monument to killed soldiers of the Croatian Defence Forces (HVO) had been desecrated in Vitez over the weekend, the ...

Photo: Croatian Technical Encyclopedia

PM Says Croatia Owes Rudolf Perešin Eternal Gratitude and Respect

Total Croatia News

On 25 October 1991, Perešin, a Croat, defected from the JNA from Bihać to Klagenfurt and joined the Croatian Army. His plane ...

Photo: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL

Empowerment of Women in Armed Forces Advocated

Total Croatia News

The aim of the project, co-funded by the U.S. administration, is to raise awareness of the status of women in the ...

Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Supreme Court Head: Parl. Parties Shouldn’t Have Problem With Ustasha Insignia Ban

Total Croatia News

“All parties, on the left and on the right, which participate in parliamentary life, must not have any problem with ...

Photo: Zeljko Lukunic/PIXSELL

KBC Hospital in Zagreb to Get HRK 2.8M From EU Funds for Its Three Projects

Total Croatia News

The projects refer to the Centre for Genome Research in Oncology and Perinatology, Centre for Research and Early Detection of Lung ...