

PM: Decision Making on Croatia’s Schengen Bid Going According to Plan

Total Croatia News

“I have discussed this matter at all levels, with all governments. I think the momentum is slowly gathering for a ...


Five Scientific Council Members Distance Themselves from Statements by Gordan Lauc

Total Croatia News

“We fully distance ourselves from all statements about the pandemic made by Gordan Lauc since the summer of 2020,” says ...


Parliament Debates Proposal to Lower VAT on Feminine Hygiene Products

Total Croatia News

Anka Mrak Taritaš of the GLAS party, who put forward the amendments, said that during her life every woman in ...


Electricity and Gas Prices Won’t Go Up Until Heating Season Ends, Says Prime Minister

Total Croatia News

The only ones that could feel the increase are businesses that did not have long- but short-term gas supply contracts, he ...

Photo: Zeljko Hladika/PIXSELL

30th Anniversary of Baćin War Crime Commemorated

Total Croatia News

The victims were residents of Baćin, Cerovljani, and Hrvatska Dubica. A dozen residents are unaccounted for. Nobody has been imprisoned ...

Photo: Jurica Galoic/PIXSELL

Milanović Says Plenković Should Rein Defence Minister In

Total Croatia News

Speaking to reporters in Baćin, where he attended the 30th anniversary of the plight of local residents in the 1991-95 ...

Photo: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

Croatia Reports Consolidated General Government Budget Deficit of HRK 27.85 bn

Total Croatia News

By comparison, the general government budget ran a surplus of HRK 1.2 billion or 0.3% of GDP in 2019, of ...

Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Beroš: Some Scientific Council Members Do Harm But Have Right to Their Opinion

Total Croatia News

Beroš added, however, that Lauc has the right to his own opinion. “It is bad when everyone has the same opinion. ...

Photo: Slavko Midzor/PIXSELL

PM Warns of Growing Number of Coronavirus Cases in Croatia

Total Croatia News

“We must comply with the basic protection measures – wearing a face mask, keeping a distance, airing the premises, and ...

Photo: Sandra Simunovic/PIXSELL

Croatia’s Gross International Reserves Reach Record €24.4 bn

Total Croatia News

The increase was mostly the result of the government’s foreign currency deposits with the HNB following the disbursement by the ...