
Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Plenković Says Intraparty Elections in HDZ Democratic, Transparent

Total Croatia News

“Anyone who wanted to run as a candidate could do so, and the process has been transparent and democratic. I do ...

Croatian State Owned Companies to be Managed by New Institution

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes, the establishment of a new body for the management of state property, more precisely Croatian ...

Igor Kralj / PIXSELL

Milanović: You Won’t Hear Me Say That HDZ Is a Criminal Organisation

Total Croatia News

“I think that it is irresponsible to link the ruling, whereby the Supreme Court actually upheld a lower court’s ruling, ...


Radovan Dobronić Becomes New Supreme Court President

Total Croatia News

The legislature voted 120 to 3 to approve his appointment, ending the months-long imbroglio about the selection, nomination and confirmation of the ...


Parliamentary Parties Support Croatian-German Visiting Forces Agreement

Total Croatia News

The agreement concerns temporary stays of members of the armed forces of Croatia and the armed forces of Germany in the ...


Doctors Condemn Protest Outside Minister Beroš’s Home

Total Croatia News

About a dozen citizens gathered outside Beroš’s home on Thursday evening after a Religious Instruction teacher from Križevci called on ...


Independent MP Collects 34 Signatures for No-Confidence Motion Against FinMin

Total Croatia News

Vidović-Krišto said that she was glad that the initiative was supported by 34 MPs from different ideological groups. “This is ...

Photo: Srecko Niketic/PIXSELL

Croatia’s Survey Unemployment Rate at 8%

Total Croatia News

The survey found that of the 146,000 unemployed people, 89,000 or 61.3% were registered with the employment bureau and the ...

Photo: Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Beroš Responds to Parents Who Demonstrated in Front of His Home

Total Croatia News

“Neither the Health Ministry nor epidemiologists limited the duration of visits to your sick children,” Beroš told a group of ...

Suradnik13 CC BY-SA 4.0

Opposition Obstructs Discussion on Appointment of New HRT Director-General

Total Croatia News

“This is democracy opposition style,” said deputy speaker Ante Sanader of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) as the opposition ...