
Do Benefits of Croatian Eurozone Accession Outweigh Risks?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marina Marovic writes, here is no alternative to joining the Eurozone for Croatia, as it was part of the ...

Grbin: Announcement about INA Buyback Came to Nothing, Plunder Continues

Total Croatia News

Earlier on Saturday several persons, including an INA executive, were arrested on suspicion of abuse of trust in doing business and ...

Shots Fired at SDP Headquarters, No Casualties

Total Croatia News

“The SDP is appalled at and strongly condemns this act. Any violence against or an attack on the property of ...

MOST: Government Manipulating Figures on Post-Earthquake Reconstruction

Total Croatia News

“It is not true that 3,500 houses have been repaired and that construction work and investments have been underway. Twenty ...

Finance Ministry says It Helped in Investigation into Gas Trading Wrongdoing

Total Croatia News

Investigators of the USKOK anti-corruption office earlier in the day arrested Damir Škugor, an executive in the INA oil company, and his ...


Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic Says Croatia 200 Years Ahead Economically

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, on Saturday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic proposed current Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic as his candidate for ...

Croatian Business Entities Intensively Preparing for Eurozone Accession

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Gordana Galovic/Jutarnji list writes, due to the upcoming introduction of the euro, Croatian business entities are undergoing the demanding ...

Government to Use All Mechanisms to Protect Croatian Pilots

Total Croatia News

Minister Medved and Justice and Public Administration Minister Ivan Malenica held a meeting at the government headquarters with the four ...

Croatian GDP Growth in Second Quarter Exceeds EU Average

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic recently visited Rijeka where he commented on the news about the 7.7 percent ...

PM says HEP Power Provider has Taken on a Lot of Burden

Total Croatia News

This means that the price of electricity supplies bought on the market by the state-run HEP power provider is tenfold ...