

Minister: Pilots to be Provided with Full Legal Support

Total Croatia News

Malenica said that he would meet with the four accused pilots on Friday to discuss further activities regarding the proceedings ...

Deputy PM: Prosecution of War Crimes Test of Maturity for State

Total Croatia News

More than 30 civilians were killed during, and in the aftermath of Operation Storm in the hamlets of Plavno, including ...

Declaration on Cooperation of Serbs from Croatia and Croats from Serbia Initialled

Total Croatia News

The declaration was signed by Milorad Pupovac (SDSS) and Tomislav Žigmanov (Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina – DSHV), and ...

Finance Ministry Dismisses Speculation about High Taxes on Guest Workers

Total Croatia News

“The Tax Administration will not put its hand in anyone’s pocket, but there are certain mechanisms that are continuously implemented, ...

Island Movement Association says Ministry Deluding Public

Total Croatia News

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the association wondered how it was possible that work on amending the Maritime Domain ...

NGO Calls on gov’t to protect islands of Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur

Total Croatia News

It is concerning that after the decision on the preventive protection of the island of Goli Otok in 2019, further ...

Marin Piletic Facebook page

Piletić: Government has Seen Pensions are Not Adequate

Total Croatia News

Speaking about the impact of inflation on pension allowances, the minister said that they had increased by slightly more than ...

Gov’t Delegation Pays Tribute to Victims of Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes

Total Croatia News

Transport Minister Oleg Butković, who headed the government delegation, said that Croatia was honouring all victims of the authoritarian Communist ...


Minister: Croatia will Not Allow Issuance of International Arrest Warrant

Total Croatia News

“The Croatian government has clearly stated that it will protect all its citizens, all its defenders, generals, and, in this case, ...

Photo: Robert Anic/PIXSELL

N1 Broadcaster Publishes Parts of Indictment against Four Croatian pilots

Total Croatia News

The Zagreb office of the regional N1 broadcaster on Monday reported having obtained the Serbian indictment, a 26-page document issued ...