
Photo: Ivica Galovic/PIXSELL

Milanović Expected to Meet Finnish Counterpart, Swedish PM During NATO Summit

Total Croatia News

The summit is being held in the midst of a major security crisis in the Euro-Atlantic area caused by Russia’s ...

Image: Pixabay

Construction of EastMed Gas Pipeline Becomes Topical Again

Total Croatia News

Geologist Avraam Zelilidis, a professor at the University of Patras and one of the advocates of this project, has recently told ...


Split to Have Mayoral Runoff between Last Mayor and HDZ Candidate

Total Croatia News

The first results released by the State Electoral Commission (DIP) on Sunday evening after all of the 163  polling stations ...


Turnout For Early Local Election In Split At 21.7% By 16:30

Total Croatia News

The citizens of Split are choosing a mayor among nine candidates, and 31 city councillors from 11 lists of candidates. Voters ...


Croatian Police Working on Implementing New IT Systems

Total Croatia News

“The Croatian police service has done all, and there are already several decisions saying that Croatia is technically fully ready ...

Image: Pixabay

New National Addiction Action Strategy in Final Stage of Preparation

Total Croatia News

The main aspects of the new strategy will be presented at a round table on addiction-related policies in Zagreb on ...


Four Croatian Healthcare Innovation Projects Selected for EU Funding

Total Croatia News

Eighty projects have applied for funding, and four Croatian ones have been selected, more than from any other country in ...

Croatian MEP Appointed Rapporteur on New EU Enlargement Strategy

Total Croatia News

His task will be to formulate a proposal for the new enlargement strategy, which would then need to be adopted ...


Split Is Holding Snap Mayoral and Local Polls on Sunday

Total Croatia News

The snap polls in the second biggest Croatian city were called after Mayor Ivica Puljak and his two deputies, who ...


Pahor Says Blocking Croatia’s EU Entry Talks Hardest Decision in His Career

Total Croatia News

“Blocking Croatia was my most difficult political decision,” Pahor told the Slovenian national broadcaster in his interview on the occasion ...