
PM Says Croatia Can Expect Decision on Entry Into Schengen in Autumn

Total Croatia News

Next week the Council of the EU will send to the European Parliament a formal proposal for Croatia’s accession into ...

PM Phones Zelenskyy to Convey Croatia’s Support to Ukraine’s EU Membership Bid

Total Croatia News

The European Council will convene for 23-24 June in Brussels to discuss the wider Europe, Ukraine, EU membership applications from ...

81st Anniversary of Foundation of 1st Partisan Unit Marked in Brezovica Forest

Total Croatia News

President Zoran Milanović, who laid down carnations in front of the “Debeli Brijest” monument, said in his speech that anti-Fascism had ...

Image: @AndrejPlenkovic/Twitter

PM: Unfair to Set Conditions for Finland’s NATO Membership

Total Croatia News

“The position of the Croatian government and parliamentary majority has been continually clear and firm – we support Finland’s ambition and ...

Education Minister Says Extremely Difficult School Year Successfully Completed

Total Croatia News

The minister also expressed hope that the next year would pass without too much stress, the pandemic, and other difficulties. ...

Photo: Slaven Branislav Babic/PIXSELL

2021 Sees Highest Crime Resolution Rate

Total Croatia News

The report contains information on police results in fighting and preventing crime, and Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović said ...

Photo: Robert Anic/PIXSELL

Gov’t Rejects Motion for Discussion on Vote of No Confidence in Health Minister

Total Croatia News

In its opinion the government comments on allegations from the motion, describing them as unfounded and noting that there was no ...

Photo: Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Anti-Fascist Association: Croatia Founded on Anti-Fascist Struggle

Total Croatia News

During the wreath-laying ceremony, the association’s leader, Franjo Habulin, said that Croatia and Europe as a union of nations as ...

Photo: Nel Pavletic/PIXSELL

Croatia to Boost its LNG Capacity from 2.9 to 6.1 Billion Cubic Metres

Total Croatia News

The Three Seas Initiative, launched by Croatia and Poland, is an informal political platform of 12 countries located between the three ...

Photo: Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Number of Unaccompanied Children Migrants on Rise

Total Croatia News

During a round table discussion, held on World Refugee Day, Pirnat Dragičević ad UNHCR representatives highlighted the adoption of the ...