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SABA Head Says Today’s Croatia Would Not Exist Without Partisan Struggle

Total Croatia News

“Croatia was founded on the antifascist struggle. Today’s Croatia would not exist without the Partisan struggle,” Habulin said at Zagreb’s ...

Image: Andrej Plenković/Facebook screenshot

Plenković: Croatia Admires Resistance of Ukrainian People

Total Croatia News

Plenković made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Victory in Europe Day and ahead of Europe Day, observed on 9 ...

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Božinović Comments on Case of Croatian National Taken Prisoner in Ukraine

Total Croatia News

“Croatia is doing and will continue to do all it can. The situation is difficult in that he was arrested ...

Image: Željko Komšić/Facebook screenshot

Komšić to Seek Another Term on Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Total Croatia News

“Yes, I will. I must continue, I cannot stop now,” Komšić said in a programme of the commercial Face TV ...

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Bonfires Lit by River Sava in Zagreb to Commemorate WWII Liberation

Total Croatia News

The event was attended by Mayor Tomislav Tomašević, who said that it was the seventh year now that the liberation ...

Andrej Plenkovic Visits Ukraine, Visits Kyiv, Meets with Zelensky

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Andrej Plenkovic arrived in the City of Kyiv on Sunday morning as part of his visit to ...

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New Round of Talks on Bosnia Electoral Reform in 10 days, Says Čović

Total Croatia News

Speaking to the press in Mostar, Čović said he spoke with European representatives last night to prepare the new round ...

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Eurozone Entry Will Mean Additional Improvement of Credit Rating, Says FinMin

Total Croatia News

Fitch Ratings yesterday reaffirmed Croatia’s investment rating at BBB with a positive outlook, estimating that the recovery of the country’s tourism industry ...

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Foreign Ministry Confirms Croatian National Taken Prisoner in Ukraine

Total Croatia News

The ministry said that due to the delicate situation, it could not divulge more details at the moment. Russian media said a ...


Plenković: Trust Between Bosniaks and Croats in Federation Needs To Be Restored

Total Croatia News

The issue of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina is important to Croatia and it is regrettable that the Bosniak and ...