
Image: HDZ/Facebook screenshot

Plenković Says on Labour Day Government Will Continue With Wage Increases

Total Croatia News

“This year on International Workers’ Day I once again wish to express my gratitude to all workers who in these difficult circumstances are ...

Image: Andrej Plenković/Facebook screenshot

State Leaders Lay Wreaths, Light Candles, Thank Those Killed in Operation Flash

Total Croatia News

In the operation, 7,200 soldiers and police in less than 32 hours liberated western Slavonia, about 600 square kilometres of Croatian territory ...

Igor Soban/PIXSELL

Social Democrats Say Their Party to Offer Different Political Activity Paradigm

Total Croatia News

Croatia clearly needs a serious Croatian policy based on different values, said Davorko Vidović, the association’s president. The Social Democrats are the ...


SDP Leader Says Government Unwilling to Amend Labour Act

Total Croatia News

“According to recent EU statistics, Croatia is close to the bottom of the EU ranking in terms of employment and ...

Croatian Inflation Wave 3 Times Higher Than Initial Govt Prediction

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Jadranka Dozan writes, the recently updated macroeconomic projections for this year, presented by the government within the new ...

Image: Pexels

15,879 Displaced Persons From Ukraine Enter Croatia To Date

Total Croatia News

The meeting dealt with the reception, needs and treatment of Ukrainian refugees, most of whom are women and children as exceptionally ...

Image: Pixsell

Croatian PM says Holocaust Victims Must Not be Forgotten

Total Croatia News

“On the occasion of Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day we show our respect for the victims of the Holocaust and the Ustasha ...

Image: Facebook Peter Szijjarto

Hungary’s And Croatia’s Minority Policies Setting Example To EU, Says Szijjártó

Total Croatia News

Speaking to reporters after meeting with representatives of the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Croatia (DZMH), Szijjártó said that the Hungarian community ...

Image: Vatican News Screenshot

Vatican Secretary Of State Parolin To Visit Croatia In May

Total Croatia News

The Croatian Bishops Conference (HBK) in August 2021 invited Cardinal Parolin to visit Croatia on the occasion of the 25th ...

Image: Pixabay

Croatia Logs 850 New Coronavirus Cases, 9 Deaths

Total Croatia News

Currently, 425 infected persons are being treated in hospitals, including 20 placed on ventilators, while 3,512 persons are self-isolating. Since ...