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Croatia Could Join OECD in Three Years

Total Croatia News

The OECD formally launched accession talks with six candidate countries on 25 January. Croatia has adopted 29 legal instruments of ...

Is Croatia Expelling Russian Diplomats? Hundreds of Names on Sanction List

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, five months after, as he put it, he “discovered the warm and poetic soul of Sergei” and ...

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Croatia to Commit an Additional €100 Million to Ukrainian Refugees

Total Croatia News

“As the brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine continues, we wish to express support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people,” Plenković ...

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Grlić Radman: Krakow Has Very Well Organised Reception of Ukrainian Refugees

Total Croatia News

“Krakow has been faced with refugees not since yesterday but since 2015. At the time, Europe took in around one ...

Total Croatia News

President Milanović Attends Croatia-US military Exercise “Shield 22”

Total Croatia News

Participating in the combat shooting exercise were members of Croatian and US armed forces. The purpose of the exercise was ...

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CoE Commissioner: Those Responsible for Kramatorsk Atrocity Must be Held Accountable

Total Croatia News

According to Ukrainian authorities, at least 50 people, including children, were killed on Friday while waiting at the railway station ...

Photo credit: Bernard Gagnon

HOS 9th Battalion Marks 31st Anniversary in Split

Total Croatia News

Addressing a packed Lora arena, the president of the “HOS 9th Battalion” association, and the battalion’s wartime commander, Marko Skejo, ...

Photo: Zeljko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Milanović: Bosnia Can Be Civic Only Upon Joining EU, Croats Will Not Be Minority

Total Croatia News

“We want the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union. Only then can it become a civic state. Until ...

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Paladina Dismisses Complaints Against Him as Unfounded

Total Croatia News

The Conflict of Interest Commission has confirmed receipt of two complaints over whether the newly-appointed minister should have stated the value ...

Image: Pixabay

Croatia Joins Initiative to Have International Crime Courth Probe War Crimes in Ukraine

Total Croatia News

The initiative requests that ICC prosecutors investigate war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide believed to have been committed in Ukraine ...