
Image: Pixabay

Economy Minister Says Brodosplit Shipyard in Somewhat More Complex Situation

Total Croatia News

Addressing the press after a conference on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOO), Ćorić said that Brodosplit had undergone successful ...

Image: Pexels/Nataliya Vaitkevich

Opposition Urges VAT, Fuel Excise Tax Cuts, Additional Measures

Total Croatia News

Troskot recalled that Bridge MPs and 16 other MPs had submitted a motion to offer additional short and long-term solutions as, ...

Image: Pixabay

Prvo Plinarsko Društvo Has So Far Not Received Request for Payments in Roubles, Deliveries Normal

Total Croatia News

“PPD has so far not received a request from out supplier, Gazprom Export, to change the contractual provisions. Deliveries are ...


Official Says HDZ Councillors to Resign if Other Deputy Split Mayor Resigns as Well

Total Croatia News

“The condition for HDZ councillors to resign is for the other deputy mayor, Antonio Kuzmanić, to resign as well,” Mihanović, ...

Image: Pixabay

Croatia Improving In EU Funds Absorption

Total Croatia News

According to Cohesion Data, the European Commission platform on finances and achievements under the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020, in 2020 Croatia ...

Image: Pixabay

Zagreb To Take €50m Loan For Liquidity Of City-Owned Companies

Total Croatia News

Thirty million of the 50 million euro loan will be used to improve the liquidity of the Zagreb Holding multiutility conglomerate ...

Image: Nato/ Facebook

Croatia Met NATO Defence Budget Target In 2021

Total Croatia News

Last year’s purchase of fighter jets significantly increased Croatia’s defence budget. According to a report presented by Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ...

Image: Pixabay

Croatia Preparing Plan For Development Of Its Geothermal Potential

Total Croatia News

Speaking at a government session, Mikuš Žigman said that in line with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Hydrocarbon Agency ...

Image: Pixabay

Govt Amendments To Improve Preschool Education Standards

Total Croatia News

The recommended amendments the government sent to parliament on Thursday are part of the education reform within the framework of ...

Image: Plitvice Lakes national Park /Facebook

PM, Defence Minister Remember Operation Plitvice

Total Croatia News

“This is an opportunity for us to once again remember and thank all Croatian defenders, soldiers, police officers and all ...