
Head of Croatian Prisons Accused of Stealing from Prisoner

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This is the second head of prison system in six months which is involved in a scandal.

Respects Paid to Victims of Ovčara Massacre

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Another day, another sad anniversary in Vukovar.

President Grabar-Kitarović: World Needs More NATO, Not Less

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Croatian President participated in a security forum in Canada.

Slovenia Constructs Border Fence on Croatian Territory

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Slovenia continues to construct fence on the border with Croatia, and occasionally even crosses the border.

Bernardić and Ostojić Enter Second Round of Voting for SDP President

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In the first round of voting, no candidate received the majority of votes.

Interior Ministry Invests 48 Million Kuna in Border Surveillance

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Ericsson NT and Interior Ministry signed an agreement on implementation of a border monitoring system.

Jadranka Kosor: A Town Stands

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Vukovar is not just a symbol. It is a living town with joy and success and life, a city of ...

Plenković Replies to Serbian Prime Minister Vučić Regarding Gotovina Appointment

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General Ante Gotovina has recently been named as special advisor to Defence Minister Damir Krstičević.

SDP to Vote on Successor to Zoran Milanović

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If no candidates gets the majority of votes, second round of voting will take place next Saturday.

Prime Minister Plenković and Business Delegation to Visit Ukraine Next Week

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Croatian Prime Minister will be accompanied by about a hundred business representatives.