
Milanović: Croatia Should Start Developing Air Defence System

Total Croatia News

“The investigation into the nature of the UAV that crashed in Croatia is in progress and I would not discuss ...

Refugee Crisis: Slavonian Heart for Ukrainian Families Initiative Doing Well

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Jutarnji/Nikola Patkovic writes, just over two weeks have passed since the beginning of the Russian invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, and ...

Image: Pexels

Croatia Asking for US Patriot Air Defence System, Jutarnji List Says

Total Croatia News

Jutarnji List asked Defence Minister Mario Banožić on Thursday whether Croatia was discussing air defence assistance with its allies, and ...

Image: Red Cross Croatia/Facebook

Enter Croatia Application Upgraded to Include Ukrainian Language and Alphabet

Total Croatia News

“This is yet another measure with which the Ministry of the Interior, acting in cooperation with other state authorities, is ...

Image: HDZ/Facebook

Remnants of Aerial Bomb Found in Drone That Crashed in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

“Traces of an explosive device have been found, indicating that this was not a reconnaissance drone. We have found parts ...

Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

SDP Main Committee Says Government Should Resign

Total Croatia News

Crises can no longer be an alibi for politically unsuccessful action, Main Committee chair Marija Lugarić told the press. The ...

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Šuica: EU, Conference on Future of Europe Incomplete Without Western Balkans

Total Croatia News

The Executive Board of the Conference decided that during the Conference member states should work with Western Balkan countries, whose ...

Total Croatia News

It’s Important to Draw Lesson From Drone Crash, President’s Office Says

Total Croatia News

The president is in contact with the leaders of the Armed Forces and the security services and is being updated ...

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Plenković to Meet With NATO Commander at Base Near Madrid on Wednesday

Total Croatia News

Plenković is going to Madrid for a bilateral meeting with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez, who visited Zagreb last October. The ...

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Plenković: EU Was united, Quick and Efficient in Response to Russian Invasion

Total Croatia News

“The purpose of all three sanctions packages is to prevent Russia from carrying out this brutal aggression on Ukraine. The ...