
Three and a Half Weeks Until the Circus Arrives to the Croatian Parliament

Total Croatia News

Constitutional crisis coming to Croatia. June 7? Mark the Date just in case.

Split Mayor Baldasar Criticizes SDP President Milanović

Total Croatia News

Former head of the SDP branch in Split has some harsh words for his former party boss.

New Trial Against Sanader and HDZ to Start Soon

Total Croatia News

Preliminary hearing for the new trial in the Fimi Media case will be held on Monday.

MOST Starting Preparations for New Elections?

Total Croatia News

One of the closest associates of Božo Petrov resigns as special advisor in government and returns to the party.

Milijan Brkić Returning to Parliament to Save HDZ?

Total Croatia News

After Friday’s chaos in Parliament, it is obvious that Tomislav Karamarko does not control situation within his own coalition.

Two Years After Floods Hit Gunja, Reconstruction Still Not Completed

Total Croatia News

However, the long rebuilding effort is nearing its completion.

Austrian Police Disarms Croatian Army at Bleiburg

Total Croatia News

Unsurprisingly, Austrian authorities do not allow armed foreign armies to wander through their country.

Anti “Uhljeb” Protest in Split on Tuesday

Total Croatia News

Want to join? The protest will be held in front of the Split City Hall on May 17, starting at ...

Prime Minister Orešković Visits Bleiburg

Total Croatia News

One day before the official commemoration, Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković visits Bleiburg.

Total Croatia News Announces Affiliate Partnership with Index on Censorship

Total Croatia News

An interntional affiliate partnership for TCN on May 13, 2016, as we team up with London-based Index on Censorship to ...