Pamela Anderson Voices Support for Croatian Party at European Elections

Total Croatia News

Source: Instagram

The Možemo (We Can) left-wing political platform will participate in the upcoming elections for the European Parliament taking place in three weeks, and it has received praise from a somewhat unexpected supporter. The platform is grateful to US actress Pamela Anderson for supporting it ahead of the European elections, Tomislav Tomašević, one of the leaders of the platform, said on Sunday. He was commenting on a recent tweet by Pamela Anderson in which she mentioned Možemo, reports on May 6, 2019.

“I have personally met her in 2012 while I was studying at Cambridge and she gave a lecture on climate change and animal rights,” added Tomašević.

Just two days ago, Pamela Anderson created a little bit of confusion when she tweeted: “My friend is watching the news in Croatia just now – images of one million people evacuated because of climate change.” The tweet raised a series of questions and prompted a lot of negative comments about how she mixed up Croatia and India, where the mass evacuations took place due to the weather. Anderson quickly explained herself and posted another tweet saying she meant India.

The news about the controversy raised by her tweets reached Pamela, which prompted her to explain what she really meant. “I heard my post about evacuation in India caused a little (luckily only) media ‘earthquake’ in Croatia: of course, I know where Croatia is. I’m not Trump who thinks Yugoslavia collapsed in the Baltics or Jeremy Hunt who thought Slovenia was a ‘Soviet vassal state’.”


In another tweet, she voiced her support to Možemo for the European elections. “Instead, let me surprise you with a Croatian word of hope (hint: European elections) – Možemo”, added Pamela Anderson.

More news about elections for the European Parliament can be found in the Politics section.

Translated from (reported by Ivana Kovačić).


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