May 22, 2018 – Famed as the birthplace of Marco Polo, the island of Korcula has many other reasons to visit these days, including the fabulous white wines of local varieties Grk and Pošip. A virtual wine road of Croatia’s most important white wine island.
One of Dalmatia’s great wine producing islands, Korčula is famous for its white wines from indigenous varieties Grk and Pošip.
It is also one of Croatia’s most spectacular islands, and a very picturesque place on which to conduct a wine tour, either organised or on your own.
Finding information about the locations of winemakers has never been straightforward in Croatia, particularly in English, and following the popularity of our recent virtual wine road of Hvar, please find below the wine road of Korčula.
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If you would like to go on an organised wine tour of Korcula, our partners Secret Dalmatia organise a great tour. Click here for more details.