New Zagreb Smart Traffic Lights Being Installed

Lauren Simmonds

zagreb smart traffic lights
Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

July the 19th, 2024 – As the traditional summer upgrades are carried out here in the capital, new Zagreb smart traffic lights are set to improve the roads and infrastructure.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, this week, the City of Zagreb started the second phase of upgrading the city’s overall traffic light system, as part of the wider automatic traffic management project.

Currently, as part of the project, eighteen new Zagreb smart traffic lights are connected to the optical infrastructure. They’re controlled remotely from a central location, as reported by Večernji list.

the new zagreb smart traffic lights will mean less crowding

“Automatic traffic management at all of the renovated intersections will establish a more efficient traffic management system because the work of traffic lights is adapted to the road conditions themselves. This will significantly increase the flow at intersections, shorten travel time and increase overall safety levels. At the same time, priority in traffic will be given to trams and in this way more efficient and faster public transport will be obtained”, said Zagreb mayor Tomislav Tomašević.

He also explained that, in addition to reducing waiting times and travel time, air pollution, the negative impact of noise and the number of traffic accidents are also reduced in this way.

In the first phase of installing the new smart traffic lights in Donji Grad, which was carried out in February and March of this year, a total of eighteen devices were replaced. In the second phase, which is being carried out from July the 15th to August the 9th, another 21 devices will be replaced.

After Donji Grad is fitted with Zagreb smart traffic lights, the plan is to replace the traffic lights on Ilica, Vlaška, Avenija Dubrovnik and other major “arteries” that run through the city.

Due to the replacement of the traffic lights, occasional short-term traffic issues such as queues and jams are possible.


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