average salary croatia

Croatia’s Average Monthly Pay for March Down 0.7% in Real Terms
Compared with February 2022, the average pay increased by 2.1% in nominal terms and remained unchanged in real terms. The ...

Average Net Pay for February €994
Month on month, the average net wage was up by 1% in nominal terms and by 0.1% in real terms. The ...

Unions say Average Wage Amounts to Two-thirds of Decent Pay
“Decent pay means that we can afford quality living standards, including the payment of regular as well as extraordinary costs ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb €1,099
Compared with the national average, which amounted to HRK 7,104, the average net monthly pay in Zagreb was HRK 1,145 ...

DZS: Average Take-Home Pay in Croatia Mildly Rises to HRK 7,175 in June
As compared to May 2021, both the nominal and the increase was one percent. The highest average monthly net pay per ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb in April Higher by €158 Than Croatia’s Average
Compared with Croatia’s average monthly net salary in April, which was HRK 7,082, the average net salary in Zagreb was ...

Average Net Salary for April Increases to HRK 7,082
Compared with March 2021, the average net wage was lower by 0.8% in nominal terms and by 1.5% in real ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb in March Higher by €162 Than Croatia’s Average
Compared with Croatia’s average monthly net salary in March, which was HRK 7,138, the average net salary in Zagreb was ...

Croatian Employment in March 2021: Winning on Monthly Basis, Losing Compared to 2020
Employment in Croatia is overall down for 1.5% – concludes an article in Slobodna Dalmacija. This is the result of ...