average salary zagreb

Average Net Pay in Zagreb €1,099
The average wage in the capital city was HRK 1,134 higher than the national average, which totalled HRK 7,118 (€948). The ...

Average Monthly Pay in Zagreb at €1,082
The average wage in the capital city was HRK 1,084 higher than the national average, which totaled HRK 7,046. The ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb HRK 8.309
Compared to the national average, which was HRK 7,175, the average net monthly pay in Zagreb was HRK 1,134 higher. ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb €1,099
Compared with the national average, which amounted to HRK 7,104, the average net monthly pay in Zagreb was HRK 1,145 ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb in April Higher by €158 Than Croatia’s Average
Compared with Croatia’s average monthly net salary in April, which was HRK 7,082, the average net salary in Zagreb was ...

Average Net Pay in Zagreb in March Higher by €162 Than Croatia’s Average
Compared with Croatia’s average monthly net salary in March, which was HRK 7,138, the average net salary in Zagreb was ...
Average Net Salary in Zagreb in July Reaches HRK 6,853
There were three sectors in which the average net salary was higher than HRK 10,000.
Average Net Salary in Zagreb On the Rise
Zagreb’s average net salary for June this year was higher than the national average.