
One-Stop-Shop Opens in Split, Offering Support to Foreign Entrepreneurs

Total Croatia News

September 17, 2020 – A conference of the TASKFORCOME team was held on Wednesday evening to encourage the development of foreign ...

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INA’s Layoffs Decision Is Business Decision, Says Minister

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Aug 26, 2020 – Economy Minister Tomislav Coric said on Wednesday INA’s decision to lay off 250 workers was a ...

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Croatia First in World to Use Contactless Card Payment Tech for Online Customer Reviews

Total Croatia News

July 24, 2020 – Croatia first in the world to use contactless card payment technology (NFC) for online customer reviews, ...

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Croatia First in World to Use Contactless Card Payment Tech for Online Customer Reviews

Total Croatia News

July 24, 2020 – Croatia first in the world to use contactless card payment technology (NFC) for online customer reviews, ...

Has Coronavirus Crisis Revealed Croatia’s Ability for Efficiency After all?

Lauren Simmonds

As Ana Blaskovic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 28th of April, 2020, much like if Croatia was placed under a strong ...


Croatia’s Entrepreneurs Use Guile, Luck To Fight ‘Coronavirus Economy’

Total Croatia News

April 4, 2020 — Runner, entrepreneur and tourism innovator Berislav Sokač saw the early warning signs when governments called off ...

Made in Croatia: Milky Pancakes Spread from Dubrava to Tirana and Beyond

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Sasa Paparella writes on the 16th of January, 2020, just a few months after graduation, young Ivan Milkovic ...

Croatian Companies With “Fast Growing” Title Higher Than EU Average

Lauren Simmonds

The attribute of a fast-growing company implies an average annual growth of employees of more than 10 percent over a ...

Carlsberg Croatia Discusses Business, Investments, Popularity and More

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Sergej Novosel Vuckovic writes on the 17th of November, 2019, Helle M. Petersen, CEO of Carlsberg Croatia discusses the ...

Infobip: Largest Croatian Software Company Opens Office in Split

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian companies face many obstacles when doing business, and the state tends to be the one throwing barriers up left ...