
Croatia’s Largest Employer: Emil Tedeschi on Employee Retention

Total Croatia News

As reported by Marina Šunjerga/Poslovni Dnevnik on November 13, 2019; Emil Tedeschi, the largest real-sector employer in Croatia, reveals two ...

Numerous Chinese Companies Have Cooperation With Croatia on Radar

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes on the 5th of November, 2019, the opening ceremony of the Chinese International Import Fair, ...

Small Samobor Company With Just 8 Employees “Conquers” World

Lauren Simmonds

Despite the media loving to spread the negatives, there is an enormous amount of positivity in Croatia, and the level ...

Croatian Company Infinum Goes From .Hr to .Com Thanks to Determination

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac writes on the 1st of November, 2019, the Croatian company Infinum, which, by the way, operates not only ...

Croatia Jumps 5 Places on Competitiveness Ladder: Here’s Why

Lauren Simmonds

The methodology is based on the analysis of the twelve pillars of competitiveness: institutions, infrastructure, the application of ICT, macroeconomic ...

Croat Achieves Business Dreams in Canada, Wants to Expand in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Mateo from Rijeka, Croatia, arrived in the Canadian city of Toronto with some of his personal belongings and five thousand ...

Croatian Woman Turns Jewellery Making Hobby into Successful Business

Lauren Simmonds

This innovative Croatian woman works at night when she is the most creative, and makes bracelets, earrings… She sells them ...

Closer Ties Between Rimac Automobili and Porsche: ”We Believe in Mate”

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian entrepreneur Mate Rimac’s famed company Rimac Automobili has secured an increase in investment from Porsche, seeing Porsche raise its ...

Croatian Hotel Company and French Consortium to Invest in Croatia?

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Goran Penic/Barbara Ban writes on the 23rd of August, 2019, the Croatian Ministry of State Property extended the deadline for ...

FER Students’ Software Company Listed Among Fastest Growing Companies

Lauren Simmonds

There is a lot to be said about this little country when it comes to breeding talent. From the sporting ...