
Major Project Will See Croatian Company Open 100 New Work Positions

Lauren Simmonds

One Croatian company which deals primarily with Information Technology has launched a praiseworthy project with the help of European Union ...

Croatian Employers’ Association Claims Croatia Learned Nothing from Crisis

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian Employers’ Association score which measures the implementation of reforms in twelve key areas puts the Republic of Croatia ...

Uljanik’s Frustrated Employees Will Start Working on Monday

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s shipyards are struggling, and for a long time the state has had its hands firmly tied when it comes ...

Is Croatia Entering New European Retail Market?

Lauren Simmonds

With the acquisition of numerous shopping centres, is Croatia entering a new European retail market? As Ana Blaskovic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes ...

EU Funds: Croatia Continues to Lose EU Money Because of Irregularities

Lauren Simmonds

Just how is Croatia doing when it comes to the proper use of EU funds? With many irregularities reported, in ...

Digital Croatia: Instant Payments Coming to Croatia?

Lauren Simmonds

With talk of a brand new digital Croatia becoming ever louder, it seems that the powers that be are following ...

Agrokor Rescued and Freed from Most Debt, Awaiting New Owners

Lauren Simmonds

At the end of October this year, the Agrokor story drew quiet. Namely, the largest insolvency proceeding in the history ...

Investment in Tourism: After Zagreb, Hilton Looks to Coast

Lauren Simmonds

After finding its place in the country’s capital, Hilton is looking for further potential locations and opportunities along the Croatian ...

Could Slavonia be Transformed into Croatian Tuscany?

Lauren Simmonds

Could Slavonia become Croatia’s very own Tuscany through the story of its local wine? Possibly, as Kutjevo has seen a ...

Podravka Delivers Record Results Despite Agrokor’s Problems

Lauren Simmonds

When Marin Pucar took over Podravka back in February last year, he comically stated, “Once you go Podravka, you’re always ...