coronavirus croatia

Source: Pixabay

Croatia Reports 54 COVID-19 Deaths, 361 New Infections

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, 4 January, 2021 – Croatia has registered 361 new coronavirus cases and 54 infection-related deaths in the last 24 hours, ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatia Logs 696 New Coronavirus Cases, 56 Deaths, 1,142 Recoveries

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, 3 January, 2021 – In the last 24 hours, of 5,611 tests performed for coronavirus, 696 tests, that is 12.4%, have ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatia’s Coronavirus Update: 255 New Cases, 55 Deaths, 1,480 Recoveries

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, 2 January, 2021 – In the last 24 hour, of 1,740 tests performed for coronavirus, 255, that is 14.6%, have returned ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatia Logs 1,850 New Cases of Coronavirus, 65 Fatalities

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Dec 30, 2020 – Croatia has registered 1,850 new cases of coronavirus in the past 24 hours and 65 ...

images © Alex Babashov (Ryan Air plane) / public domain, amalgamated by TCN

What Kind of Life Awaits Croatian Anti-Vaxxers Who Refuse Vaccination?

Total Croatia News

December 29, 2020 – The arrival of COVID-19 vaccines in Croatia has been met with much relief by many people. ...

How Has Crisis Affected Croatian Employment in Different Sectors?

Lauren Simmonds

December the 29th, 2020 – The coronavirus crisis has affected just about everything, causing a tremendous economic crisis, but just ...

adapted by TCN

Croatian Healthcare Workers: Christmas’s Forgotten Heroes?

Total Croatia News

December 28, 2020 – Amidst the difficulties of a second lockdown, a socially distanced Christmas and yet more earthquakes, have ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatia Logs 316 New Coronavirus Cases, 68 COVID Deaths

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Dec 28, 2020 – In the past 24 hours 316 new coronavirus cases have been registered in Croatia and 68 ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatia Reports 618 New Coronavirus Infections, 58 Deaths

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Dec 27, 2020 – In the past 24 hours 618 coronavirus infections have been registered in Croatia, putting the total number of ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatia Registers 2,763 New Coronavirus Cases, 66 Deaths

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Dec 23, 2020 – Croatia has registered 2,763 new cases of coronavirus infection after more than 10,000 tests, as ...