

Record High of 1,424 New Coronavirus Infections Reported in Croatia

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Oct 21, 2020 – Over the past 24 hours, Croatia has registered a record high of 1,424 new coronavirus ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Zagreb Mayor Bandic Stands Firm With Capital’s Enfeebled Hospitality Sector

Lauren Simmonds

October the 21st, 2020 – The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a horrific blow to the world’s tourism, travel and hospitality ...

New Croatian Economic Measures Presented, With Two Key Changes

Lauren Simmonds

October the 21st, 2020 – The coronavirus pandemic has caused havoc with the Croatian economy, with many out of work, ...


Croatia’s Coronavirus Update: 890 New Cases, Eight Deaths

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Oct 20, 2020 – In the last 24 hours, 5,883 tests have been conducted for coronavirus in Croatia and ...

As Coronavirus Measures Bite, Croatian Hospitality Sector Worries Intensify

Lauren Simmonds

October the 20th, 2020 – More measures have been introduced across the country in an attempt to further curb the ...

Fancy a Hilton Office? Valamar Also Offers “Long Stay” Possibilities

Lauren Simmonds

October the 20th, 2020 – Fancy ditching your ”home office” with washing machines going, kids running around and pans boiling ...


Trut: Croatia has Sufficient Hospital Capacities and Protective Equipment

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Oct 20, 2020 – Assistant Interior Minister in charge of civil protection, Damir Trut on Monday said that Croatia has ...

Women in Adria

Meet the Women Helping Tourists in Croatia with Viber Chatbot & Community

Total Croatia News

October 20, 2020 – The Total Croatia Travel Info Viber chatbot and community helped thousands of tourists this summer. Meet ...


Krunoslav Capak Announced Measures that Could be Introduced Next

Daniela Rogulj

October 20, 2020 – In an interview on Monday evening, Krunoslav Capak announced measures that could be introduced next in ...

Source: Pixabay

Epidemiologist Concerned About Croatian Healthcare System Becoming Overloaded

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 19, 2020 – A member of the government’s Scientific Council, epidemiologist Branko Kolaric, has expressed concern about Croatia’s ...