
Photo: Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

COVID Certificates for Cafes, Restaurants Supported by Majority

Total Croatia News

As the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases and the number of daily deaths continue to rise in Croatia, two parallel ...

Photo: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

Slovenia to Lend 40,950 doses of BioNTech/Pfizer Vaccine to Croatia

Total Croatia News

The vaccine has not yet been delivered to Slovenia. so the operation will be carried out as a double donation. ...

Photo: Kristina Stedul Fabac/PIXSELL

Croatia Reports 1,327 New Coronavirus Cases, 73 Deaths

Total Croatia News

This is the largest number of deaths in a single day during the fourth wave of the pandemic, while the ...

Photo: Kristina Stedul Fabac/PIXSELL

Croatia Donates 490,000 Doses of Vaccine

Total Croatia News

Croatia has ordered enough vaccines so it was able to donate 490,000 doses to lower-income countries in which vaccine is ...

Croatian State Support Rose to 21.1 Billion Kuna in 2020

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, back on Wednesday, the Government accepted the report on Croatian state support for 2020, which shows that ...


Croatia’s Coronavirus Update: 4,262 New Cases, 60 Deaths, 5,376 Recoveries

Total Croatia News

There are now 33,708 active cases, and of them 2,568 are receiving hospital treatment. As many as 323 patients are ...

Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Ombudswoman Deplores COVID Demonstrators’ Assaults Against Reporters

Total Croatia News

Šimonović Einwalter said in a press release that she condemned attempts by demonstrators to prevent reporters from doing their job while ...

Marko Prpic/PIXSELL

Scientist Says Doesn’t Feel Responsible for Incidents During COVID Protests

Total Croatia News

Lauc told the the Nova TV broadcaster on Saturday evening that he actually said in his posts that “COVID certificates ...

Marko Prpic/PIXSELL

RTL Reporter Attacked during Zagreb Protest against COVID-19 Certificates

Total Croatia News

At the protest, which draw several thousand people from all around the country, Latković was attacked from behind and he sustained ...

Marko Prpic/PIXSELL

Thousands Protest in Zagreb against COVID-19 Certificates

Total Croatia News

The protest in the city’s central Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića square started around 3 p.m. when two columns of marchers, who previously ...