croatia health

Zagreb Hospitals Praised for Stroke Care

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, May 27, 2018 – The European Stroke Organisation (ESO) has awarded two Zagreb hospitals for the quality of acute ...

Croatia Ranked 30th in Healthcare Quality

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, May 25, 2018 – Croatia is ranked 30th in terms of healthcare access and quality, The Lancet medical journal ...

Obesity a Growing Problem in Croatia

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, May 20, 2018 – Some 35% of eight-year-olds in Croatia are overweight or obese, which puts it among the ...

Diabetes Excellence Centre Opened in Dubrava Hospital

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, May 2, 2018 – The centre of excellence and education of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) was formally opened ...

Vaccination Rates Continue to Fall

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 23, 2018 – According to a report by the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ), last year the ...

Life Expectancy in Zagreb Increases by Four Years

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 15, 2018 – The life expectancy of Zagreb residents was 79.6 years in 2017, almost four years longer ...

Expensive Medicine Spinraza to Become Available Next Week

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 15, 2018 – Spinraza, a drug used in treating spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), will be put on the ...


5 Things You Should Know Before You Get Sick in Croatia

Total Croatia News

April 14, 2018 – Croatian doctors are quite caring, quite professional and excellent at their jobs… but we all know ...

“Prevention Is Key for Better Health”

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 8, 2018 – As part of an event marking World Health Day in downtown Zagreb on Saturday, Croatians ...

Croatians Eat Unhealthy Food

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 7, 2018 – Croatia is at the bottom of European Union rankings on fish consumption and ranks somewhere ...