croatia politics

Prime Minister Orešković Holds Press Conference on Latest Events

Total Croatia News

Prime Minister holds a press conference.

Poll Comparison: Karamarko More Unpopular Than Sanader in 2012

Total Croatia News

Comparison of opinion polls shows some worrying results for current Croatian leadership

Balkan Migrant Route Closing Down

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Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia introduce stricter rules on the Balkan migrant route.

HDZ to Elect Its President on 17 April and Hold Party Congress on 28 May

Total Croatia News

HDZ decides when its new (old) leadership will be elected

Croatians Could Face Tougher Requirements for Early Retirement

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What’s the perfect age to retire and who gets to determine it?

Prime Minister Expects More Candidates for Veterans Affairs Minister

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First Brkić, then Borković, and now…?

Branko Borković New Candidate for Veterans Minister

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After prime minister’s invitation, veterans groups start proposing their own candidates

Zlatko Komadina, Candidate for SDP President, Talks About His Views and Plans

Total Croatia News

What would Komadina do if he became president of SDP?

Pope Names Members of the Stepinac Commission

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Cardinal Bozanić and Bishops Škvorčević and Perić named to the papal commission

War with Croatian National Bank Could Cause Credit Rating Downgrade

Total Croatia News

Will Parliament accept the annual report of the Croatian National Bank?