croatia serbia

Serbia to Hold Military Exercises with Russia Just 30 Kilometres from Croatia’s Border

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Croatia says it is ready to respond.

Justice Minister: “Serbia Is Investigating 43 Croatian Citizens”

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Tensions between Croatia and Serbia continue due to the issue of jurisdiction for war crimes.

HDZ President Plenković Sends a Message to Serbian Government

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Andrej Plenković reacts to criticism by veterans associations that the government has been too lenient with Serbia.

Government Establishes Commission to Monitor Serbia’s Path to EU

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After protests from veterans’ associations, the government decides to establish a commission.

Prime Minister Meets with Veterans Associations about Serbia’s EU Negotiations

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Prime Minister Orešković and ministers of foreign and veterans’ affairs meet with veterans’ associations which are protesting against Croatia’s decision ...

War Veterans Associations Want Croatia to Again Block Serbia’s EU Negotiations

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Some of the war veterans’ associations want Serbia to abolish its law which gives it right to prosecute war crimes ...

Despite Croatian Demands, Serbia Will Not Abolish Its Controversial War Crimes Law

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Croatia has dropped its objections to Serbia’s EU accession negotiations, but it is not clear whether Serbia will fulfil Croatian ...

Five Croatian Conditions Incorporated into EU Negotiating Position for Serbia

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Croatia’s five conditions have been included into the common negotiating position of EU member states.

Croatia to Allow Serbia’s EU Accession Negotiations to Proceed

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From the summit in Paris, important news for relations between Croatia and Serbia.

Croatia Continuing to Block Serbia’s EU Accession Negotiations

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Serbia hopes to open new negotiating chapters by the end of the month, but Croatia and Great Britain have not ...